Getting started

Ciao, Bella's!

Welcome to yet another self help blog!! Everyone's is different, here is mine:

I turn 25 on April 28th, a quarter of a century old, and I have spent far too many of those years not loving who I am 100%. So this is my goal: to spend the 25 days leading up to my 25th year training my brain and body to love itself more.

How? Quite honestly, as I write this on March 24, I am not quite sure, but bear with me as I work with my kick ass girl gang, Matt, and Trev (the Fiance) to figure it out.

Why? I just spent the last 9 days traveling Italy with my best friend, her boyfriend and Trevor. We walked over 50 miles, ate an embarrassing amount of gelato and took some rad photos. But I would look at the portraits and say, "yuck..." because I didn't like the way I looked in stripes or that my (Oh so faint) wrinkles were too prominent or my smile wasn't perfect... I must have said to too many times out loud, because at one point Trevor looked at me and said, "Nothing drives me more insane, then when you talk poorly about yourself." or something along those lines.

Truth be told, this is not just about the way I look, I think I have moments of beauty. It is mostly about the way I think about myself in a mental sense as well as a physical one and I am surrounded by SO MANY AMAZING women who go out of their way to spread compliments. We talk each other up all the time, but we tend not to listen and we never do the same to ourselves. We deserve at LEAST that.  

Trevor also said, when I proposed this idea, that "You are your own worst critic, almost to a fault." So, let's change that... one day at a time, so long as we shall live.

